Episode 243 - The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

Welcome back to Not A Bomb! This is the podcast where we explore some of cinema’s biggest box failures and decide if they deserve a second chance.

On this week’s episode of Not A Bomb, Troy, and Brad are happy to welcome back to the show Sammy from the GGTMC to discuss the fantasy adventure film - The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. As a four-time Academy Award-nominated film, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen is one of the more decorated movies discussed on the show. Sadly, those nominations did not translate to box office success, and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen failed to recoup the $46 million budget. Does the third film of the “Trilogy of Imagination” deserve a second look? "Or should this ludicrous yarn erupt into a fiery spectacle, only to be swiftly forgotten, like last week's turnip stew?"

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen is directed by Terry Gilliam and stars John Neville, Eric Idle, Sarah Polley, Oliver Reed, Uma Thurman, Johnathan Pryce, and Valentina Cortese.

Not A Bomb just launched new designs in our Merch store! Head over to the Not A Bomb Tee Public store and check them out. Special thanks to Ted Blair for the amazing designs!

We value your feedback and suggestions. If you have a cinematic flop, you'd like us to discuss, please reach out to us at NotABombPod@gmail.com or through our contact page. Your reviews and feedback are what keep us going. If you enjoy our content, consider leaving a review on Apple Podcast or Spotify.

If you want to hear more of Sammy, subscribe to the Gentlemen's Guide to Midnite Cinema and leave them a review.

Cast: Brad, Troy, Sammy


Episode 244 - Donnie Darko


Episode 242 - The Hudsucker Proxy